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Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book PDF Download: Improve Your Professional Communicatio


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Cambridge English For Engineering Students Book Pdf Download

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BOOK REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS formed a corrupt and inefficient system is self-serving and uncorroborated (145). Although the final evaluation is not completely novel. the data and discussions assembled in Frontinus ' Legacy will help focus attention on the many problems surrounding our understanding of Frontinus, his intentions, and the planning, construction, and administration of the water-supply system of Rome. In particular, the careful presentation of mathematical and engineering analyses in the first section of the book will provide a firmer basis on which archaeologists and classical scholars can build their own interpretations. In the Epilogue, the authors list a series of issues or problems to which they could not find answers or to which they could not pay enough attention in this book, in the "hope that at least we may have suggested new directions for the study of Roman engineering and society" (153). In this they have certainly succeeded . Both scholars and students concerned with Frontinus and the issues presented by the De aquis will now have to consult this book. JOHN PETER OLESON DEPARTMENT OF GREEK AND ROMAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA VICTORIA, B.C. V8W 3P4 J. EDMONDSON, T. NOGALES BASARRATE AND W. TRILLMICH. Imagen y memoria: Monumentos funerarios con retratos en la colonia Augusta Emerita. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia and Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, 2001. Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana, 10: Monografias Emeritenses, 6. Pp. 253. 68 figures, 27 black and white plates. ISBN 84-895 I 2-92- 2 . The past few years have seen a new emphasis on the role of personal identity and sculptural self-representation in the evolution of Roman provincial society. I The present volume is an important contribution to this theme, a case study of a singular group of funerary monuments I E.g. G. Woolf, Becoming Roman: The Origins of Provincial Civilization in Gaul (Cambridge 1998): P.S. Wells, The Barbarians Speak: How the Conquered Peoples Shaped Ioman Europe (Princeton 1999): Y.M. Hope, Constructing Identity : The Roman Funerary Monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nimes. BAR International Series, vol. 960 (Oxford 2001): A.U. Stylow, "Las estatuas honorfficas como medio de autorrepresentaci6n de las elites locales de Hispania," in M. Navarro Caballero and S. Demougin, eds.. Elites hispaniques (Bordeaux 2001) 14 1- 153. BOOK I?EVIEWS/COMPTES I?ENOUS 243 with portraits, from the provincial capital of Lusitania. All the exalnpIes , in white marble, represent the deceased in the form of a bust or half-figure (with or without the arlns visible) inside an architecturally framed recess. The fraIne, consisting of two Corinthian colulnns or pilasters supporting an arch or lintel, forms a sort of window through which the dead, in formal attire and coiffure. look at us as from a photograph . The 4I reliefs. dating to the second and third centuries A.D.. lnostly represent individuals, though there are three exalnples of lnarried couples sharing a single fralne. The relief is usually accoInpanied by a Latin funerary inscription, though this does not always survive. While the portraits themselves ar'e of great interest for their selfrepresentation of the citizens of the colony, the inscriptions allow us to put names to the faces. They are important for showing us not only the creative ilnagination of the provincial sculptors, but also the close artistic ties between Emerita and Iome. Though previous literature has recognized this group of portraits as a characteristic and exclusive product of the Emerita workshops. their origins and ideological interpretation have not been adequately examined until now. The three authors study the various aspects of these lnonuments in separate chapters. followed by a 7s-page detailed catalogue of the pieces by Edlnondson (in English). The extant reliefs are amply illustrated by black and white photographs . Also included are a bibliography, epigraphic indexes (of the type used in CIL). concordance of publications. and indexes of nalnes and subjects. In chapter I, Trilhnich discusses the typology and artistic evolution of the portrait monuments. He discards the contention of GaIner that they are "aedicula stelae,"2 classifying theln instead as funerary altars. of a type found in Italy, in which a portrait of the deceased acco1l1panies the inscription. The beginnings of this tradition can be seen...

We wish to thank all the physics teachers (particularly Lars Fleig, Patrick Spengler, and Erich Schurtenberger) who provided their classes in the process of test construction and evaluation; and all the students for working on the tests. We would also like to thank Michal Berkowitz for making contact with a sample of mechanical engineering students and Jörg-Henrik Heine for his thoughts and comments. 2ff7e9595c

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