(CNN) -- Welcome to Florida, where despoiling the environment ranks second only to debauchery as the chief goal of politics. It is a place of freewheeling excess, the kind of place where all sorts of predators can prowl. Palmer Stoat is high up the political food chain of the Sunshine State. He's a lobbyist by trade, a fixer by vocation, and a self-centered libertine by inclination. Twilly Spree is at the other end of the spectrum. A generous inheritance has allowed him to indulge his single-minded pursuit of preserving what's left of Florida's pristine wilderness through acts of eco-terrorism.
Scourge of War: Gettysburg is the next generation of Civil War combat command simulations, headed by renowed game designer Norb Timpko, designer of the acclaimed Take Command series. Re-create the full battle of Gettysburg in 3D, as well as other battles by purchasing the expansion packs. Visit scourgeofwar.com to download the demo
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